1. 要设置过期时间,避免释放锁的时候失败了,锁长期得不到释放导致的死锁问题
2. 要设置锁的拥有者



package redislock

import (


//Lock is a struct that handle config and context
type Lock struct {
    Config *Config

    context context.Context

//Config is a struct that maintains redis client
type Config struct {
    Client *redis.Client

//New is a method that return a instance of Lock
func New(c *Config) *Lock {
    return &Lock{
        Config:  c,
        context: context.Background(),

//Get is a method that try to get distribution lock
func (l *Lock) Get(key string, ttl time.Duration, owner string) (bool, error) {
    return l.Config.Client.SetNX(l.context, key, owner, ttl).Result()

//Release is a method that release lock

func (l *Lock) Release(key string, owner string) (bool, error) {

 luaScript := `

if redis.call("get",KEYS[1]) == ARGV[1] then

    return redis.call("del",KEYS[1])


    return 0



 res, err := l.Config.Client.Eval(l.context, luaScript, []string{key}, owner).Result()

 if res.(int64) == 0 {

 return  false, err


 return  true, nil


但仅仅是这样是不够的,因为 Get 方法只试了一次,并没有实现锁的自旋,我们应该写一个 LoopGet 方法去循环尝试获取锁。

//LoopGet is a method that try to get distribution lock looply
func (l *Lock) LoopGet(key string, ttl time.Duration, owner string) (chan bool, error) {
    c := make(chan bool, 1)

    for {
        if res, err := l.Get(key, ttl, owner); res {
            if err != nil {
                c <- false
                return c, err
            c <- res

    go func() {
        defer close(c)

        for {
            if len(c) == 0 {

            time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 800)

    return c, nil

不停地尝试获取锁,成功之后返回 channel,记得开一个协程回收 channel,当 channel 的缓冲数据被读取后,就回收该 channel,避免内存泄漏。